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Rabu, 20 Juni 2007

Eye Lift Surgery Not Needed For Most Vision Impairment

Vision problems typically increase with age and sometimes the problem is on the outside. The eyelids and brows sag as gravity sets in. This action can impair vision. Usually the first thought is cosmetic surgery.

(PRWEB) June 20, 2007 -- Cynthia Rowland, internationally known anti-aging expert announces a safe and risk free way to stave off eyelid surgery using facial exercise.

One of the best kept anti-aging secrets can help you recover your sight. That's right; exercise can save your sight by lifting sagging eye lids and eye brows.

Sagging eyelids can impair vision and those sagging muscles can easily become stronger using exercise.

"Vision problems typically increase with age and sometimes the problem is on the outside. The eyelids and brows sag as gravity sets in and that sagging can begin to impair vision. Many people have turned to cosmetic surgery because it seems like it is the only avenue for correction.

Cosmetic surgery is definitely an option, but why risk infection or more when one simple exercise done for 35 seconds a day can achieve results rivaling a surgical procedure?" asks Ms. Rowland.

Eyebrows droop as the forehead muscle weakens from lack of use. The frontalis muscle is a vertical muscle that originates in the scalp and hairline. When this muscle begins to elongate it only has one way to move and that is downward into the obicularis occuli muscles, the muscles that lift the eyelids.

Aging, sagging forehead muscles pool into aging, sagging eye lid muscles.

Drooping eye lids can impair vision. This impairment can also create a very wrinkled forehead because the levator muscles, the obicularis occuli muscles and the frontalis muscle are working overtime trying to keep the droopy eyelid from obstructing one's vision.

There are only a few options available to improve sagging eyelids.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct sagging upper and lower eyes. The upper eye procedure involves actually cutting the eyelids, removing excess tissue and then suturing the eyelids usually in the existing crease. The surgery is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia although there are other types of local and oral anesthesia's available; the procedure takes about 2 hours to complete and just like any other invasive procedure there are risks to consider.

Electro-stimulation devices, using minute electrical currents, claim they can lift eyelids and brows. According to some well-paid physicians they do work but there is a healthy amount of skepticism from their peers.

Overuse can cause spasms, headache, irritation, redness and burning. Electro-stimulation is very time consuming as each area requires about three minutes to treat so it's not unusual to spend an hour or more trying to lift your face every other day.

The above mentioned options are not only costly; they're very temporary. Yes, temporary. Surgery does not correct poor muscle tone and neither do injections of Botox, fillers or electro-currents.

What's the solution?

Facial exercise is the smartest thing you can do to stop the cause of sagging eyelids but not all facial exercise programs work the same. Why? Because scrunching and contortions are not exercises. When there is no resistance or anchoring to create a contraction, your eyelids cannot lift. Genuine facial exercise is not about scrunching or making contortions, rather, they are bone fide, precise movements that treat the cause of aging in the face.

How long until you see results? Most people see results immediately. Permanent results occur when the muscles are sufficiently strengthened to retain their new positions.

For your complimentary eyelift please see

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