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Selasa, 26 Juni 2007

HydroPeptide™ - Not a Cure for Upset Stomach - An Anti-Aging Miracle

Don't confuse the name HydroPeptide™ with the common over-the-counter Pepto-Bismol or even toothpaste. The name means something. It means "wrinkles meet your match." With the Peptide Depth Layering Technology (PDLT) found exclusively in HydroPeptide™, this skin care regimen's effects delivers results like never seen before.When Linda Filippone, a clinical aesthetician of Lubbock, Texas first heard of HydroPeptide™, she didn't think anything of it except that it might be what she used to clean her teeth that morning. "After I did the peptide enzyme mask and applied the cellular transformation growth serum, my skin felt so amazing and fresh. I could feel the product working through the next morning and I could see immediate results. It was so firming. I had clients using Dr. Perricone's $570 neuropeptide lotion, and had to tell them I found something even better. I found HydroPeptide."

But, "What exactly is HydroPeptide™?" As the name might imply, "Hydro" relates to water or moisturization and "Peptide" is the basis for Azure Cosmeceuticals, the masterminds behind HydroPeptide™ and the leaders in peptide-based skin care. "Peptides are the buzz these days. I say peptides to an aesthetician and I immediately have her attention. They really work when they are at those clinically proven levels" says Steve Peck, Product Trainer at Azure Cosmeceuticals. But really, HydroPeptide™ is hope for the millions of old (and young) women (and men) looking to restore, rejuvenate, and perfect their skin. According to Annelise Mihaljevich of Annelise Skin Care in Laguna Niguel, "It's beautiful what the HydroPeptide has done for me underneath my eyes. I'm 68 years old and people ask for my driver's license after I tell them how old I am. They think I'm 20 years younger. It has made an absolute difference in my appearance. I look at pictures from a few years ago and I look like a different person. I'm hooked!" HydroPeptide™ is easy-to-use and encompasses every anti-aging element recommended for healthy skin by doctors and dermatologists world-wide. And peptides top the ingredient list!

These peptides are proven to do amazing things like increase natural collagen production up to 300%* and relax facial muscles and wrinkles for up to 24 hours* similarly to Botox, without the risk (According to independent studies conducted by Pentapharm and Laboratoires Serobiologiques). Peptides are basically tiny protein fragments comprised of long chains of amino acids. Individual portions of proteins are known as peptides. In the body, peptides regulate the activity of many systems, one of which being cell-communications which tells cells how to react and what to do. Peptides can produce significant benefits when applied topically for wound healing, barrier repair and reducing inflammation. Azure Cosmeceuticals creates specific peptide chains in the lab and then attaches a fatty acid component which allows peptides to overcome their inherent limitations: absorption and stability. Lab-engineered peptides appear to have the kind of efficacy and benefit that goes beyond the skin's surface, such as enabling collagen production and offering muscle relaxing sensations (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, June 2004, page 30; Pharmaceutical Research, March 2004, pages 389-393; and The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, September 2005, pages 473-481).

Many skin care companies have begun implementing peptides in their anti-aging products, but Azure Cosmeceuticals had done something different. They have created HydroPeptide™, the first and only entirely peptide-based skin care line with Peptide Depth Layering Technology (PDLT), ranging from back bar treatments used within the facial room to retail products for home use. HydroPeptide™ and PDLT is different than other peptide creams on the mark; it actually works. In fact, 93% of study participants have seen results. HydroPeptide™ contains 11 peptides, with each of these peptides at or above it's clinically proven level, that perform their own specific tasks within the skin. Unlike other skin care companies, peptides are found in every single Azure product and are combined with other essential elements for healthy skin. This method of peptide application is called Peptide Depth Laying Technology or PDLT. With peptides, you can't apply them once and be done. It's only with repetition and a synergistic balance of ingredients that results are seen. Each peptide must be directed to its specific target in order to enable proper cell communication. With repeated use of peptides and PDLT, there is an amplified signal for natural collagen production and results are inevitable. Clients have described the HydroPeptide™ regimen as comparable to a non-surgical face-lift. Azure not only has peptides, it has growth factors, antioxidants, Hyaluronic acid, vitamin c, enzymes, alpha hydroxyl acids, etc. These are healthy elements for the skin. "HydroPeptide sells itself. I call someone, ask if they want a sample, and they're calling me back right away ready to place an order. It's the back orders that frustrate me. People freak out even when we can't get them their cleanser right away. Then they buy two serum because they can't live without their serum" says Christopher Michael, National Sales Manager at Azure.

About Azure Cosmeceuticals, Inc.
Azure Cosmeceuticals, Inc., the leaders in anti-aging peptide-based skincare, is fully focused on bringing state-of-the-art, anti-aging innovations through premier skin care products that deliver results. Azure utilizes the latest proven developments in cosmeceutical skin care technology and offers credible and safe alternatives to cosmetic procedures. They are one of the few to develop new skin care technologies that are backed by true scientific evidence. They are dedicated to continued research and advancement in the skin care industry.

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