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Kamis, 05 Juli 2007

Transitioning Your Skin From Winter to Spring

The sun is shining, the first spring flowers are beginning to push through the ground and your skin is telling you it’s time for a change in your daily routine. Winter months are naturally drier and indoor heat works against us to further decrease the humidity our skin needs to stay soft and supple, so we bring out the extra-emollient creams and butters and our skin thanks us for them. But with spring comes an often unnoticed increase in moisture both in the air and in our skin. If we continue to hold that moisture against our skin, especially our faces, we often see unexplained breakouts that last longer than usual. But fear not, a few simple steps will help effortlessly transition your skin from winter to spring leaving you with a look that puts the brightest flowers to shame.

Start with your cleanser. Be sure you’re using a formula for your natural skin type. We often need to switch to a dry skin formula in winter months. Go as gentle as your skin will permit without giving up all the necessary deep cleaning or acne fighting benefits you need to stay looking smooth and polished.

Speaking of polished, add a gentle exfoliant to you facial cleanser. You’re shedding dry skin and want to rid those flakes as soon as possible. Stay natural by using oatmeal or any number of other food products that benefit your skin while polishing away dead skin. Don’t limit exfoliation to your face. An all-over scrub will leave you feeling revived and your body shinning. Try a mint scrub for added energy and a tingling clean.

Don’t forgo the moisturizer, even on the most humid days. Switch to a lighter formula – the more natural ingredients it uses the better. Apply smaller amounts, paying closer attention to your eye area and lips.

As temperature rise outside, your body temperature will increase, too. Be ready with a quick change of foundation formulas. Try a tinted moisturizer instead of foundation. Apply the moisturizer and allow plenty of time for it to dry before applying concealer. Allow time for that to dry, especially around your eyes, before applying powder and color cosmetics. This allows your skin time to acclimate to the product and decreases clumping and smudging. When you apply your powder, use a brush instead of a sponge or pad. This gives your face room to breath and aids in decreasing oils throughout your day. When those oils do escape, have blotting tissues on-hand to remove the shine without losing your make up.

As an added measure in your transition from the dry months to the sun-soaked days of spring, invest in an equalizer that balances your skin’s hydration and pH. Spritz a small amount all over your face after cleansing and follow immediately with moisturizer. Look for equalizers that use plant extracts so you’re not adding chemicals to freshly cleansed skin. At any time during the day you can give you skin a boost with a small spritz. Most formulas are designed to absorb into your make up without smearing or leaving water spots.


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